Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Part 2, Why Is Your Hair Color Fading So Quickly?

On Monday we covered that by frequent shampooing, the detergent agents strip the color from your hair.

We also discussed that the sun and salt water were also responsible for fading hair color as well. We mentioned suggestions for dealing with the environmental elements.

As shampooing and environmental elements can be culprits for hair color fading, the main reasons for color fading is that

•often the product has been under-processed
•it may be the wrong shade for your hair color has been used
•because of the wrong match, your hair may have been too porous to hold the color formulation that was used.

The reason that hair is too porous to hold the color formulation is because other chemicals have being used. If perms or relaxers are used prior to hair color application, the hair shaft will become too porous to hold the color molecules.

Due to the hair shaft being too porous to hold the color molecules, your hair will result in lighter ends in your final color or worse, color will start fading quickly after the first shampooing.

Refer to Tracy's ebook for more helpful and money-saving tips in dealing with hair coloring success.

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